YAM Ensemble 2025

How comfortable are you learning music by ear? (1=not at all, 5=very comfortable)
How comfortable are you reading sheet music? (1=not at all, 5=very comfortable)

Please send us one or two examples of your playing/singing. You can either send us one or several internet links or upload one or several video or audio files. Please include your name and surname in the uploaded files.
Upload your files here
If you don't bring your own instrument(s)
If you bring your own instrument(s) and if you are coming to Germany by plane

If not, please apply for a new passport now and send an email to nataliia.zinovieva@othermusicacademy.eu.

For Turkish citizens without current Schengen-Visa: To participate in this project you will need a Greek visa (visa of the EU/Schengen country you are visiting first).
Please apply for a date with the Greek consulate once you have heard from us (no longer than 24-48 hours after your application) and please send an email to info@kresendobiz.com right after you have registered here, saying that you are a Turkish applicant in need of a visa so that we can help you in the visa process. We will reimburse you for any initial visa fee.

Eğer Türk vatandaşıysanız ve vizeye ihtiyacınız varsa lütfen info@kresendobiz.com adresine bir e-posta gönderin.

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